Sunday, February 20, 2011

Must use Charmin

I was cleaning out our linen closet and decided to clear out all the toilet paper in there and put it in the bathroom. I had just thrown it in the hall way while I finished up a couple others things. I had a thrown a single roll and two rolls inside a Charmin bag in the hallway. I then hear Phebbers pick up the single roll and say we can't use this one we have to use the Charmin or we will have toilet paper stuck to our  she shes and butt butts. I figure at this point I need to limit her commercial watching or something.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Lil' Bit Crazy

A few weeks ago we were getting ready to go somewhere and Phebber's brother was helping me by getting her dressed. He was asking her how much she loved different people in the family. She would always answer with wide spread arms "this much" until they got to MeMe. When he asked her about MeMe she held her fingers very close and stated
"this much".
He brother asked her why she only loved her that much and she said.....
"Because her face is a little but crazy"
Happy Laughing!