Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gonna Beat Your

I am so bad about keeping up here, but I have a new one for you all. Yesterday while at a store Phebbers decided she was going to play with the plastic bags for the meat. She took them off the hanger they were on. I made her put them back and she grumbled at me and said "I'm gonna beat your a$$". Ya so not looking forward to teenage years.

She is An Adult

Phebbers has informed me she is not 4 anymore. She claims that she is 21 and she can say bad words now. I asked her what bad words she could say and she responded with. "Stupid, $hit, and Damn It" I guess it is really time to put the sensor button on in this house. I knew I would have my hands full with this one boy howdy she is really filling those shoes.
But I am just too cute to get made at right?